CAPE ANN COLLECTORS AUTUMN SHOW, Thought and Vision: A Celebration of color in the Northeast Light, opening Saturday, October 7 through Monday, October 9, 1-5 p.m. daily, features new work in an intimate space to pause and reflect on the luminescence of Northeast Light. From Cape Ann to Monhegan Island, separated by a hundred miles of ocean, CAC’s featured masters capture the interplay of mood, character and color with reflected and refracted light – contributing to expansive thinking and seeing!
CAPE ANN COLLECTORS AUTUMN SHOW reveals dynamic watercolors by renowned Monhegan artist Yolanda Fusco, her work happily integrating with 51 drawings, pastels, etchings, lithographs, watercolors and oils by Cape Ann masters. CAC’s three gallery rooms exhibit Fusco’s contemporaries who sought contemplation and light on Monhegan, including: Theresa Bernstein; Eric Hudson; Leon Kroll; Hayley Lever; Charles Movalli; William Lester Stevens; Don Stone; and Stow Wengenroth.