Nell_Blaine--Cove with Barge_D85_9239
https://capeanncollectors.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Nell_Blaine-Cove-with-Barge_D85_9239-450x348.jpgNell Blaine would often set up to paint the waterfront at late afternoon and work past sunset, into the “blue hour” (“l’heure bleue”), known to artists for its unique quality of light. In her own words:
https://capeanncollectors.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Nell_Blaine-Cove-with-Barge_D85_9241-450x371.jpgNell Blaine would often set up to paint the waterfront at late afternoon and work past sunset, into the “blue hour” (“l’heure bleue”), known to artists for its unique quality of light. In her own words:
Cove With Barge
Nell BlaineMedia: silkscreen
Size: 18 1/2” x 26 3/4”
Price: Sold
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The moment of the dying of the light is my favorite moment to paint landscape. For me this time is a great flaring up of life and a revelation…The main reason is the excitement that the color takes on – it illuminates everything.
Nell BlaineNell Blaine would often set up to paint the waterfront at late afternoon and work past sunset, into the “blue hour” (“l’heure bleue”), known to artists for its unique quality of light. In her own words: